textile artist

weaver, dyer

and photographer


Suád Østergaard


New Textiles


   Andalusian Fayre

   Art of Norwich


   Indigo Tweed






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From the visitors' book:

Rich and exotic; the "Sea Tang" cushions are my favourite.

How wonderful and vibrant - good luck with the rest of the show.

Lovely exhibition

Peaceful and truthfully presented.

Gorgeous, inspiring, wonderful!

A beautiful and original perspective on Norwich.

Lovely textures, and I can see the Wensum running red

Excellent work.

Beautiful work and lovely exhibition.

Inspirational designs. One of the best exhibitions ever in the Assembly House.

Suád Østergaard
+44-(0)845 257 7407 | www.ostergaard.co.uk | suad@ostergaard.co.uk